Our Coalition was founded in 1989 by individuals from different organizations working together to eliminate the negative health and environmental effects that tobacco products have in our communities. We are made up of community members and representatives of different public and private organizations.
The Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Imperial County encourages communities to adopt a tobacco retail license. We believe that this is one way of combatting the public health problems associated with tobacco use and to reduce the exposure of tobacco products among youth including electronic smoking devices.
In our effort to promote a Smoke-Free Imperial County, we also assist healthcare facilities in the adoption process of smoke-free campuses.
Executive Team
Coalition Chair: Linda Shaner
Co-Chair: Ambrose Ramirez
Secretary: Sara Pyle
Tobacco Retail License (TRL):
Encouraging our communities to adopt a tobacco retail license. Tobacco retail licensing laws are one way to combat the public health problems associated with tobacco use, to help reduce tobacco-related health disparities including electronic cigarettes, and to ensure compliance with tobacco laws.
Smoke-Free Healthcare and Assisted Living Facilities:
Promoting and assisting healthcare and assisted living facilities in the adoption process of 100% Smoke-Free campuses.
To improve and promote a healthier Imperial County, the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Imperial County is dedicated to preventing access and exposure to tobacco smoke and tobacco products through education and policy change.
Smoking is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the US. It does not only affect the health of the smokers but even of the nonsmokers. These are some of the reasons why the Coalition for a Tobacco-Free Imperial County was created. We hope that through our different campaigns, we’ll be able to make a difference in our community.